Girl Making Homemade Cleaning Products

Homemade Cleaning Products – Recipes and Tips

Many commercial cleaning products contain chemicals that produce toxic fumes and can harm your health. Here are a few ideas for making your cleaning products that work well, are gentler on your hands, and are safer for your health, wallet and environment.

These natural homemade cleaning products go beyond the basics of baking soda and vinegar. This isn’t to write off baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and vinegar—they’re a good start for most surfaces and cleaning jobs. But with these recipes, you have the power to create a wide range of cleaning solutions for various needs.

All-purpose Cleaning Paste (scratch-free)

Thoroughly mix ½ cup soap flakes (ground to powder or whirled in a blender), 1 cup of powdered chalk or diatomaceous earth, and ½ cup of baking soda. Add a little glycerine (no more than 3 T) to make a thick paste. Keep in an airtight jar when not in use. It is suitable for bathrooms, kitchen benches, and whitewater.

Homemade Polisher For Wooden Furniture

Very Easy Furniture Polish

Shake 100 ml liquid paraffin, 50 ml turpentine or methylated spirits, and 1 ½ teaspoons of essential oil. Lemon is the traditional essential oil, but you can experiment to find your favourite. Decant the mixture into a spray bottle or mister (or shake them up in this in the first place). Spray sparingly and buff immediately with a soft cloth on any woodwork. This one isn’t so kind to your hands and lungs, so be careful not to breathe it in.

Tile Floor Cleaner Powder

Crush ½ cup soap flakes to powder, then stir in 1 cup of powdered chalk or diatomaceous earth and 1 cup bicarbonate of soda. Make sure that it isn’t lumpy. Add essential oil (one teaspoon) of your choice to the mixture for scent and antiseptic properties. Store the mixture in a tin or jar with holes punched in the lid (this is a good way of reusing old talcum powder containers – they’re perfect). Shake on and use like any commercial tile cleaner (e.g. Ajax).

Floor Cleaner

Easy Homemade Floor Cleaner
  1. Mix ¼ cups washing soda, ½ cup soap flakes, 1 cup salt, and 2 cups water, adding essential oil (2 teaspoons) if desired.
  2. Heat these together and stir until everything’s dissolved to a nice, smooth liquid.
  3. Let it cool and store it in a screw-top container.
  4. Wash the floor with 2–3 tablespoons in half a bucket of hot water.
  5. If you wish to rinse the floor afterwards, add fresh, warm water with a cup of vinegar.

Dishwashing Liquid

Be advised – you should not use this recipe in dishwashers, as it doesn’t create unnecessary suds. Mix half a cup of soap flakes in 4 cups of hot water and let them dissolve. When the mixture is cool, add half a cup of glycerine and a teaspoon of any essential oil you choose. Stir together well into a gel, then decant into a squeezy bottle (old shampoo bottles or commercial dishwashing liquid bottles work well). Use 2-3 teaspoons in one load of dishes.


  1. Mix 200 ml of methylated spirits with 1 litre of white vinegar.
  2. Add 100 ml of an antiseptic essential oil such as pine, thyme, oregano, or lavender.
  3. Shake together and keep in a spray-top jar.

This kills most germs. To freshen a toilet, put ½ cup in the toilet bowl overnight, then flush first thing in the morning.

Air Freshener

Mix 400 ml water with 100 ml alcohol (vodka or rubbing alcohol). Add a blend of essential oils—up to 80 drops or so. Leave for a few days to combine and mature, then spray lightly in a room. Experiment to find your favourite combination of fragrances.

Cutting Costs of Toiletries

Who doesn’t want to cut the cost of their family’s toiletries? Shampoo, soap, deodorant—all of these can cost hundreds every year. Here are some recipes–other than the old standby of adding water to the shampoo to stretch it–for homemade toiletries that will save your family money and, best of all, really work.

Make Your Own Toothpaste

Toothpaste was originally sold as a powder. You dumped a little into the palm of your hand, wet your toothbrush, placed it in the powder, and were off and running. This homemade toiletry is available again as the old standby of baking soda. Purchase peppermint oil or another mint flavour to add a good taste and effective mouthwash to your morning routine.

Rubbing Alcohol

Plain ordinary rubbing alcohol is an effective deodorant. This homemade toiletry ingredient is the primary additive in most commercial deodorants. Spritz a little rose or mint oil afterwards to mask the scent of the alcohol until the smell wears off, and the effectiveness will last all day.

White Vinegar

A half cup of white vinegar instead of bleach is an effective homemade toiletry for your clothing. Use this in place of bleach for your whites, and if you wash in cold water, you will extend the life of your clothes and save on electricity.

Liquid Hand Soap

Great liquid hand soap can be made by grating a mild soap bar with a cheese grater. (You should splurge for an extra grater for this homemade toiletry.) Grate some into a microwaveable dish and add water. Microwave the mixture for two and a half minutes on high.

Facial Mask

Make your own facial mask by pureeing one cucumber, two egg whites (this will give the mask stiffness and peel ability), a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of mint oil in a blender. This homemade toiletry is a fun addition to your daughter’s next sleepover!

Saving Money

Shopping at beauty supply stores can save you money by buying large amounts and dividing them into old, washed-out containers. Save that empty shampoo bottle and pour it full with the economy size you just bought. This is a great way to keep the family from using it all up, as they will tend to use more than they need if you set out the large-size bottle.

Take Some Lessons

And last, for fun, take a soap-making class. You can save money on toiletries and lower your gift-buying budget by learning to make soap in several whimsical moulds and beautiful designs. Soap-making stores, complete with Saturday classes, are springing up everywhere. They can make a great family outing for a few hours or maybe even give you the motivation you’ve been searching for to start your own business. For a reasonable sum, the class provides you with a choice of moulds–usually three or four– that you can use during the class and then take home with you. You will also get some liquid or glycerin soap bricks, colouring, scents, and a vast range of equipment. This can bring your homemade toiletry to a whole new level.